After receiving her B.A. in Musicology from the Holy Spirit University (USEK) in 1992, Rosy Ghorra pursued her path in music in several aspects; for more than 20 years, she taught music pedagogy in several schools (Soeurs de la Sainte famille- HaouchHala and Zahle, SSCC-ZahleRassieh, institut technique supérieur ND Consolata- TaanayelBekaa, USJ-ILE…)
Moreover, she attended several trainings and seminars, to name a few: Congrès (inter)national des chefs de chœurs Puteaux-France-2016, Congrès national des chefs de chœurs de France-Clichy-2014 organized by A Coeur Joie, Marchandisation de l’éducation Namur-Belgium- 2014 organised By FICEMEA…)
Since 2008, Rosy directed the choir of SSCC- ZahleRassie(Composed of young students 8-17 years old),
Furthermore, she is an active member of CEMEAL, Hadanet el Tofl, and a member of Lebanese Scout Association.